Powering Success

Now more than ever before, the world’s emerging economies and developing nations are benefiting from abundant and reliable energy certainty. This development is a consequence of the rapid growth of international liquified natural gas (LNG) markets coupled with the U.S. natural gas revolution.
But according to the Washington, D.C.-based Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS), a bipartisan, nonprofit policy research organization, LNG is not always the most affordable source of natural gas. Upon closer examination of the total costs of liquefaction, shipping, and regasification, LNG is often less competitive in emerging countries than other natural gas delivery solutions and frequently more expensive than conventional energy options such as HFO (heavy fuel oil). Deeper draft ports and intricate dedicated infrastructure are also an expensive requirement to serve single-purpose LNG delivery vessels.
CSIS studies conclude that, “energy will remain central to future efforts to promote further economic and social growth in developing countries. The public and private sectors have a shared interest in maximizing the economic growth generated by their energy investments and in devising strategies to take advantage of new opportunities that emerge.”
That’s where Andalusian Energy comes in. According to its own research, Andalusian can deliver compressed natural gas (CNG) to generate 150MW of electricity for less than $0.12/kwh. In today’s economy, LNG LNG costs about 50 percent more than that amount to generate 380MW of electricity for $0.18/kwh or higher. With simpler, less expensive, and less time-consuming production and transportation, CNG is able to deliver at a reduced cost for smaller scales.